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Black Tot Day 2020 is almost upon us.

Next Friday (31st July) marks the 50th Anniversary of Black Tot Day. To commemorate the event, the team over at Black Tot rum have gone ahead and organised a 24-hour-long live rum festival that you can enjoy from the comfort of your own living room. 

Hosted by Mitch Wilson, Black Tot global brand ambassador, and Dawn Davies, head buyer and rum expert for The Whisky Exchange, the celebration will be full of enthralling rum discussions on a variety of topics and will feature some fantastic panellists from all around the world.

“For the 50th Anniversary of Black Tot Day we wanted to celebrate in a way that had never been done before – there are so many wonderful distilleries and producers around the world, and the Navy Rum was a blend of so many of them – it seemed fitting to bring as many of these producers together as we could for this historic occasion.” 

Mitch Wilson, Black Tot Global Ambassador

Head over to the official website for a full rundown of the event.