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Essential Journal

  /  Issues   /  Issue 37 – Tommy Banks

Issue 37 – Tommy Banks

“You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.” – Anthony Bourdain

Food glorious food, as Oliver Twist once sang. Although food plays a part, this issue is mainly about chefs. The idea behind the issue, as we explained in hundreds of emails, was quite simple. We went to our favourite chefs around the world and asked them a bunch of questions on everything from their favourite books to what they would do with a carrot, as well as their concerns with the industry and whether the customer is always right. Luckily for us, the chefs did not disappoint. From Ivan Tisdall-Downes’s homemade poncho to cover star Tommy Banks’s alternative career as a cricketer, this issue has been an informative, personal and fascinating insight into restaurants and the people that head them up. A huge thank you to everyone involved for taking the time out to answer our questions and also to the people in the background that went about setting everything up. We hope the issue leaves you feeling peckish at the very least. Enjoy reading it, eat your greens and follow us on Instagram.