Issue 43 – The Dining Experience
‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.’
Virginia Woolf
Remember that one time that millionaire told those millennials that they would never own a home on account of their proclivity for smashed avocado? And remember how those millennials got all shocked and indignant before realising that, in actual fact, he probably had a point but they didn’t really care? That’s because, over the last few years, the goal posts have shifted somewhat. Or at the very least, people are less bothered about the goal itself. It’s the game at hand that people are now starting to enjoy. It’s not lazy or materialist, nor is it self-indulgent or short sighted. We are simply choosing to live differently; with a taste for slower, more present living and a keen eye for the small details and simple pleasures. So here’s to those small and simple pleasures in life; to the shared meals among fiends; to that extra coffee on the way to work; to that bottle of natural wine you’ve not yet learned to pronounce properly. Long may we continue to enjoy them all. If that means it takes us a little longer to throw the anchor down on more permanent land then so be it. We’ll simply enjoy our time at sea in the meantime.