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Essential Journal

  /  Issues   /  Issue 45 – Style

Issue 45 – Style

‘Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and not giving a damn.’ ― Gore Vidal

When it comes to questions of style, confusion abounds. Style is, after all, complex in its simplicity. One thing is for certain: style doesn’t end with the way you dress. As a matter of fact, it barely begins with the way you dress. Style is not your morning coffee order, but it is your morning routine. It’s not your best foot forward, but it is the way you walk. Style is heard in the words you use to fill empty spaces in conversation. It’s also heard in the words you don’t use to fill empty spaces in conversation. Style does not come down to the whisky you drink, but how you treat the bartender when you order it. Style isn’t something you either have or you don’t. It’s something you have whether you like it or not. It’s a self truth. Inalienable, inevitable, and inimitable. Style is you with your guard down. Style is not, nor should it ever be, an exclamation point. But it is, on occasions such as these, a question mark. With that in mind, consider this issue our attempt to address that very question mark. Enjoy.