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Issue 52 – The Pitti Issue

A Note from the Editor

When you really get down to it, fashion – and with fashion, style – are vanities of sorts. In truth, I’m never really sure if either phenomenon (and they are indeed two entirely separate phenomena) is a question of bold self-expression or contrived self-curation. Are we dressing as we’d like, or simply as we’d like to be seen? Most would proclaim the former, but they’d be lying to themselves if they didn’t admit that the opinions of others come into the equation to some degree. 

‘Are we dressing as we’d like, or simply as we’d like to be seen? Most would proclaim the former, but they’d be lying to themselves if they didn’t admit that the opinions of others come into the equation.’

Pitti Uomo is a fine example of that tension. Sure, there are those that will tell themselves (and others) that they’ve arrived at Fortezza da Basso dressed as their authentic selves, that they’re above the peacocking. But those people have still made a more or less conscious effort to stand against Pitti’s infamous theatricality. Which, in itself, betrays a need to be seen in a particular way: a vanity.

What am I getting at? That fashion and style are vanities, and that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Oh, and that what you have in your hands is the Pitti Uomo Edition of The Essential Journal. Enjoy!

