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A Fond Look Back: Mez Sanders-Green, life

Life frontman, Mez Sanders-Green, recalls his formative years growing up in the city of Hull

words by Mez SANDERS-GREEN

What were you getting up to in your younger days?
In my very young days I was into separating my dinosaur collection into herbivores and carnivores. I also did this with my trains and tanks into steam and diesel. I guess my OCD has stuck with me since, but I did move onto other things like listening to tapes of 70s punk, early 80s art rock and new wave with my Dad and brother on our way to school. Once I hit the hedonistic heights of my teens, I mainly focused on dressing like I was in The Strokes, smoking roll ups and going out most nights. I guess all three things have shaped me being in a band as a career.

Any albums, songs or artists that provided the soundtrack to those years?
Yeah definitely – The Fall, The Clash, Joy Division, Talking Heads, The Modern Lovers, The Pogues, The Strokes, Interpol, LCD Sound system to name a few.

How would you describe your style back then? What were you wearing?
Slim trousers with a vintage t-shirt, always tucked. I’m all about a suit. Been rocking some Sherman’s recently.

Were you a member of any clubs, bands, collectives or projects back in the day?
I messed around with my best friend Loz (original member of The Neat and LIFE alongside me) in my mam’s house, playing garage-type music just on a bass and a guitar. No percussion. It sounded dank.

Where would you typically hang out?
In Hull, we had a bit of a party house on Grafton Street. The house had a lot of rotating tenants and a lot of parties were had.

Were you into any magazines, zines, or publications?
At Sixth Form I used to read NME back to back when it had a bit more weight to it. You can get some great zines at the moment. Check out So Young Magazine and our friends at DIY.

What kind of hobbies were you into?
Phase one: Being a teenage mutant ninja turtle
Phase two: Listening to music all day long
Phase three: Pretending to be being in a band
Phase four: Being in a band

What kinds of gigs and events were you going to? Any early gig or event memories?
Me and my brother went to lots of music festivals with our parents instead of going on holiday abroad. We would do two or three a year from an early age.

How would you describe Hull back in those days?
Moving to Hull as a young teen started my journey as a musician. I’ve never looked back and the city has shaped who I am. NP

Life’s latest album ‘A Picture of Good Health’ is out now