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Solid Gold Garments: The Barbour Overdyed Corbridge Casual

We take a closer look at the Overdyed Corbridge Casual from the Barbour Gold Standard spring-summer collection

Let it be a matter of public record that we’re big, big fans of the Barbour Gold Standard line. It bears all the hallmarks of Barbour’s illustrious past whilst resisting any urge to rest on former laurels, which, it must be said, would be all too easy for a brand with such a long list of, well, laurels. The Gold Standard sees the core Barbour DNA dialed up a notch; offering a masterclass in fabric-first production that lets the details do the talking. 

This is especially true of its very first spring-summer collection, which sees a couple of Barbour mainstays reimagined in more spring-friendly fabrics. Take the Corbridge, for instance. This is a standout piece that wears its military influence on its cotton ripstop-clad, corozo button-cuffed sleeves. Crafted from premium, overdyed cotton ripstop fabric and styled with a stand collar and shoulder epaulets, this is the Corbridge jacket at its very best. 

For all the historical callbacks and over-spec’d construction that the jacket has to offer, what truly stands out is its inherent wearability. In the Corbridge Casual, mod-esque sartorialism meets rugged pragmatism to create a layering option with distinction and versatility in spades. Whether you like your jackets razor-sharp or a little rough around the edges – Barbour’s Gold Standard Corbridge Casual has you covered.

All in all, it’s swell to see the Gold Standard line pick up exactly where it left off in January, creating show-stoppingly intricate yet infinitely wearable garments tailor-made for modern sensibilities despite their lofty, utilitarian origins. Make no mistake, this is top-notch stuff; exactly what you’ve come to expect from a brand of Barbour’s pedigree. But that’s not to say that Gold Standard doesn’t have a couple of neat tricks up its sleeves. And that’s exactly what makes it so much fun.

Check out our interview with Barbour’s Head of Menswear, Ian Bergin, here.